Wow...ok..I knew it had been a while since I last posted...but I didn't think it was almost 2 weeks! I do have somewhat of an reason for not posting any pictures....for the few people who look at already know that we are expecting baby #2. I have been so busy during the day watching the baby I babysit, taking care of my own child and dealing with morning sickness...any time I can just lay on the couch..I do! By the time I get Tait to bed I am wiped out! I usually fall asleep on the couch, Justin wakes me up, and we go to bed. So..there's my excuse..and I'm sticking to it!!
I will post some pictures that I have taken in the past few days...and I guess Kellie decided to do blast from the past photos..I can do that!
So here is my blast from the past photo for today

I can't believe my baby boy used to be this little! I miss the little baby..and soon I will have another one...that will just grow too quickly like he did.

This is our rotten dog Bella...Her and I have a love/hate relationship. Now she loves to cuddle..anytime I am laying on the couch she hops up with me with her head on my lap and sleeps right along with me..she is also so good with Tait. But there are times I threaten to take her collar off, open the front door, and let her free.

Tait's new playroom! Of course it's trashed...I guess its a sign that he likes it and plays in there...I will take another picture when I get it decorated. We went to Ikea a couple weeks ago and bought him a table and stools ( that you can barely see in the corner) The white book shelf, and the car mat on the floor. Now these are part of his Christmas presents...he just got them early. I can do this because he is still too young to really know. I also got him a duvet and bedding for his big boy bed :( I'm not ready for the big boy bed.

Tait LOVES to dust...Every time I get the duster out he asks for it..I quickly dust and then hand it over to him...he would seriously carry this thing around all day if I let him. This day he had seen me pick up a picture frame and dust under it...he tried to same thing..luckily nothing broke :)