Tonight Justin and I attended his company Manager appreciation banquet. It was at the Marriot downtown Indy. Lots of fun. They did a pretty good at showing their managers a good time. ( Last year wasn't as fun because the game they played the managers had to answer questions pertaining to work...not much fun :) the game was "are you smarter than your area director"
Anyway..they have a catered dinner, awards ceremony, (plaques w/ cash awards...good cash rewards too..manager of the year got $1500! then they played a game with which you could win prizes and or money...the theme this year was Let's make a Deal! Everyone was given a ticket with a number on it..if your number was called you go up on the stage and get to pick a box or spin the money wheel...Guess who's number was the very first one
I picked a box..of course if you have seen Let's Make a Deal on the game show network you know that your prize could be something ridiculous, like a baby elephant or something..Well I won a dirty sock..yeah me! I should have picked the wheel! Chad, one of the managers, won $300 from the wheel!
Anyway..Justin happened to be the last contestant chosen..he chose the last box and won a pair of tickets to the IU vs Purdue football game plus passes to the hospitality tent. He is going to take my brother to the game so that will be a fun day for them! (btw some of the other good prizes behind the boxes were a Wii, Ipod, Digital camera, and other football/basketball tickets )
I think the company does a good job about keeping their managers happy. I am looking forward to the Children's Christmas party since we will get to go this year! The owner of the restaurant's franchise buys each manager's child a present (of our choice within a certain price range) and they have a party..last year they rented out Great Times.
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