Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day #14 of 25 days of Christmas

Sorry..I am behind a couple days posting..Ill try to catch up!
On day #14 we played out in the snow!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day #13 of 25 days of Christmas

Tonight we wrapped some presents. Tait didn't do much..except for carry the wrapping paper you can see by the picture...I didn't expect much out of him. Can you guess which presents are his?? lol We still have more to do..Justin didn't want to wrap mine, or his gift for Tait tonight. And I still have more shopping to I am def. not done wrapping.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day #12 of 25 days of Christmas

blogger won't upload my photos from last night...

Yeah! Got them to upload finally!
Sunday night we went to our Church's Christmas Musical. It was very good! Best one yet!
Tait LOVED it...he loves anything to do with music and dancing..this had both! He sat across
the aisle from us with Dave and Susan Thurman, one of the ministers and his wife...I could hear
him say things every once in a while...especially when the live donkey came out for Mary to ride off on...He kept saying "eeaawww, eeaawww."They had candles up there at one point...and he yelled out "Hot!" The boy cracks me up! He did really well though...the musical kept his attention for the whole 2 hours!
Here is a couple pictures of our friend Angela, and Aunt Pat who were both in the musical.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day #11 of 25 days of Christmas

Sorry for no post yesterday.
We went over to the Bungard's to decorate cookies with Kellie, and Nikki's kids.
I..having the wonderful "baby brain" that I have, left the memory card to my
camera in the laptop at home..rrrrr.
We made some Christmas goodies at Grammy's house. We made 3 different kinds..we would have made more..but mom and I talked for a long time instead of starting on the cookies right we will have to get together again to make more.
Tait had fun helping! ...and eating the chocolate..between christmas cookie decorating lastnight, Ava's birthday cake/ice cream, and today's cookie making..Tait has had more sweets in the past 2 days than he has had in his 2 years of life!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day #9 of 25 days of Christmas

Tonight we made gift tags for Christmas presents!

Day #8 of 25 days of Christmas I will admit I didn't even attempt to update this blog last night..with all the trouble I had been having I thought I might as well wait until this morning..Day #8 we bought a new ornament and hung it on the tree. It was very difficult to get a picture of Tait being still tonight...he is a little on the crazy I told him to give the ornament a kiss...this gave me a couple seconds to snap a picture!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day #7 of 25 days of Christmas Blogger wouldn't upload my photos again last night..I have better luck in the morning I guess...

Day #7 of 25....We got Christmas cards ready to send out. I was excited to do these kinds of cards this year...In the past I have made the cards myself...This year I had a really good coupon for snapfish and decided to try it. We used the photos from our fall photo shoot this year..only bad thing is I have to hope my mom doesn't see these cards at any family or friends houses...The photo shoot is her Christmas present..My brother joined us..he is actually really in that top photo in the card...I just cut him out :) My mom hasn't had a picture of my brother and I for over 10 I thought it would make a great gift..anyway..getting off subject.
Tait didn't help much..he did hand me the cards, but I put in How the Grinch Stole Christmas for him to watch while I finished the cards :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day #6 of 25 days of Christmas

Blogger wouldn't upload my photos last night..but I got it to work this morning!

Tonight we cut out vinyl snowflakes on the cricut and stuck them on the window.
Tait loved handing the "stickers" to daddy.
It was a fun, easy project tonight

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day #5 of 25 days of Christmas

Our internet was down last night so I couldn't post...
Day #5 of 25 days of Christmas...attending the Childrens Christmas musical at church.
I forgot to grab my camera, and the auditorium was too dark for my camera phone to take a a picture of the program will have to do

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day #4 of 25 days of Christmas

Day #4 of 25 days of Christmas we attended Eli Lilly's Childrens Christmas party at the Childrens museum. They go all out! They rent out the entire museum..everything is open except for the theater and planitarium. We were able to go because our Aunt who retired from Lilly's a couple years ago is on the board for the Lilly employee we get to go for free :)
I went to this YEARS ago and helped her..a couple years dressing up as an elf for the santa clause part...even dragging along my best friend Melissa to help :) funny...I saw her kids there tonight..They were there with their aunt Joyce and Uncle Dave because Dave works at Lilly. Great memories! And its kind of neat that I got to bring Tait to this since I went when I was younger.
We had a great time...however Tait did NOT like Santa...see photo below :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day #3 of 25 days of Christmas

We made an advent Calendar...using a mini muffin pan :)

Each day Tait can pull a number off and reveal his "treat" or let us know what fun activity we have planned for the day...all the way up to Christmas day :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day #2 of 25 days of Christmas

Tonight we decorated Tait's little tree for his room. He loves this tree...he carried it around the house for a little while..and when it was time for bed he didn't want to get in his bed..he wanted to sit by the "tweee"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1 of 25 days of Christmas 2010

Day #1 of 25 days of Christmas:
Drinking hot cocoa and watching Rudolph